
Want to get your game on the Spartan? Find out more about our platform by filling in the form below.

We're looking for games of all kinds to test on our hardware. We promise to review every game submitted. Your game should have gamepad support and must run on Linux. As we are in the process of building a prototype we cannot supply development kits until we are closer to building a final product.

If we wish to showcase your game in a video about the Spartan then we will ask your permission first.

Fields marked with * are required

Give us a summary of what your game is about.
Leave a link to a screenshot here. PNG or JPG format are suitable.
Leave a link to a screenshot here. PNG or JPG format are suitable.
Leave a link to a screenshot here. PNG or JPG format are suitable.
Provide us with a link to a downloadable demo of the game.
Your game MUST be able to run on Linux.

By submitting this form, we are using your game for testing purposes only and does not serve an application to an online store facility but it does allow us to see games which may be viable to appear in an online store.

We would love to hear from you.

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